Archive for the ‘Other Reviews – extract’ Category

Prometheus Springs Lemon Ginger ratingPrometheus Springs - lemon ginger


Ingredients: Filtered Water, Organic Evaporated Cane Juice, Organic Lemon Juice Concentrate, Natural Lemon Ginger Flavor, Sea Salt, Capsaicin Extract

I had high hopes for Prometheus Springs’ Lemon Ginger drink. I picked up a bottle from a local natural foods store one day, lured by the snazzy packaging and the promise of delicious, refreshing capsaicin-induced euphoria. Unfortunately, it didn’t really do it for me.

The smell is pretty simple: It smells like lemonade with ginger in it. No surprise there.

The texture is just like instant lemonade. There’s no pulp or anything. The drink would benefit greatly from some lemon and ginger pulp floating around to give it a little more body and a little more bite – and a little more flavor. It would really be nice if it had some chili pulp in it, but I’m sure that’s asking too much. Which brings me to my next point…

It tastes like sugar water with a little ginger in it. It doesn’t even taste very much like lemonade. A little bit, but not much. I mean, it doesn’t taste bad. There’s too much sugar in it for it to taste bad. It’s just unremarkable. And too sugary. I suppose I can at least be thankful that it didn’t have the metallic taste often associated with extract. That’s probably because there’s barely any in it. Which brings me to my next point…

The heat is negligible. If I didn’t know there was capsaicin extract in it, I would have assumed that the slight tickle in the back of my throat was from the ginger. Even after swishing it around in my mouth and drinking half the bottle, the burn never amounted to anything.

Finally, $3 per bottle is too expensive for what this is.

Bottom Line: While the packaging is nice and the label is chock-full of fun verbiage, the drink itself is lackluster. And the heat is negligible. It tastes like sugar water. I would only recommend this for a child. Actually, no I wouldn’t. There’s too much sugar. Don’t waste the calories.